Horizontal Grinder heading to a large composite board manufacturer in the SE region of America. This is a direct replacement for a WSM Grinder originally sold to the mill in 1991.
Large Vertical Grinder and Disc Screen (not shown) ready to go to a large biomass power facility in British Columbia.

Two Horizontal Grinders going to a large mill in Taiwan. The large grinder is processing green cores, spinouts, and green veneer trim. The small grinder is processing LVL trim.

Hammermill heading to large pellet producer in the Upper Midwest to process green hardwood chips.
Vertical Grinder ready to go to large composite board manufacturer in Alberta. The unit is set up for air discharge to process LVL scrap.
60” wide Vibrating Screen going to a forest products company on the east coast to screen dry shavings, sawdust, and trim blocks prior to hammermill for further processing.