Compost 2023
Ontario, CA
Jan 24-27, 2023
Join us in booth 611 at Compost 2023 presented by The US Composting Council. The Council advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling.
Atlanta, GA
Feb 15-17, 2023
We’ll be at MOTAG (Millyard Operating Technical Advancement Group), focusing on mill woodyard design and operation. Look it up if you’ll be attending.
International Biomass
Atlanta, GA
Feb 28-Mar 2, 2023
See us in booth 825 at the 16th annual International Biomass Conference. As the largest biomass event in North America, the event focuses on biobased power, thermal energy, fuels, and chemicals.
Waste Expo
New Orleans, LA
May 2–4, 2023
We’ll be in booth 518 at Waste Expo. For over 50 years, Waste Expo has been connecting professions in the solid waste, recycling, and organics industries.
Not Attending The the Conferences?
Let us know what you’re processing, challenges your facility is facing, or simply to learn more about how WSM can customize a solution to improve your operation. WSM’s complete line of Grinders, Shredders, Hammermills, Screens, and Complete Feedstock Processing & Fiber Prep Systems can help add to your bottom line.
Fill out the form to schedule a time to meet with us or simply send us a note!